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/ds/ - Draw Stuff

Draw whatever you want ~~
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16/11/2018 - Shizer: We have 5 years lol.

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 No.2034[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Spectator Thread
113 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1639210011449-0.png (488.62 KB, 1433x846, HELP!1.png)

File: 1639210011449-1.png (63.43 KB, 965x342, HELP!2.png)

That way people can see these posts on the main page

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New art thread.
67 posts and 123 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1668753876023.png (3.5 MB, 2967x5573, Exorcism via 45 cal.png)


File: 1670840174155.png (1.91 MB, 1205x1466, spinning1.png)

Man I haven't posted in here for years


File: 1672250690644-0.png (1.85 MB, 1600x5590, Coffee1.png)

File: 1672250690644-1.png (1.18 MB, 1600x4373, Coffee2.png)


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some oldies of this idiot and a little bit of pepper for spice


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 No.208[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Draw YOURSELF thread. Not your OC, but the beautiful person drawing the OC.

Make sure to be as stereotypical as humanly possible for extra points.
131 posts and 112 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1531759922863.png (196.49 KB, 530x750, ClipboardImage.png)

I now realize my body is a tube and I'm unsure of what to do with that information


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bought a nice chair but it didn't do much for my terrible posture.


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3y update now a pro skinhead ready to stab you in an alley


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negative chin when shaved


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Broken body tier

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Secret Santa Delivery thread,

Post your gifts & get yours

No need to worry if you haven't finished your gift yet, you still have a week to post

Happy holidays!
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1640440288568.jpg (1.27 MB, 4032x3024, necro.jpg)

made with love for my internet bestie


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File: 1640730308118-1.png (1.81 MB, 3508x2480, Le secret santa. FUCK COLO….png)

However the portal magic works, it does wonders sometimes. leading to the right places in the wrong moments.


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merry christmas norric! sorry for the delay life has been busy for me!


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the bastardman!

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Anyone who posts in here gets doxxed for FREE! What are you waiting for? Post right away for a free dox!



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Lol they deleted their post lmao

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Sign-up ends at the end of the 12th of December. PST

That's right! Another Secret Santa.
I am terribly sorry for the late signup this year but hopefully, we can all work this out =v=
As per usual it goes as follows;

Here's how it works, you post your Name along with some Contact information ( preferably skype / discord / e-mail ), and a Reference .
If you want you can also include a brief list of likes. Whatever you'd like to see in your giftart.

On December 13th everyone will get a name to draw for. Draw something nice. Maybe something that relates to their interests. The names/art are meant to be kept secret. Hence the "Secret" in Secret Santa. Keep it fun.

On December 25th you can post your Secret Santa Art in the respective Delivery thread. You'll have time until New year's eve to post your gift just to give everyone a nice time window.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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File: 1639241680918.jpg (92.28 KB, 558x1024, SAVE_20211211_175317.jpg)


Age is just a number (already dead)
Alignment: Chaotic neutral.
Likes: Alcoholic beverages, puns, reanimating chicken wings, skooma.

Discord Necrobro#2048


File: 1639291341914-0.png (105.38 KB, 560x656, NorricColorsBetter.png)

File: 1639291341914-1.png (143.47 KB, 583x851, NorricTorsoCrap.png)

7'0 tall (212cm)
Roaming automaton/knight. Wandered an abandoned world for aeons.

(Feel free to do whatever you want with his limbs and abdomen as I have to finish designing/drawing them out)

Discord: Norric#3337


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File: 1639309843040-1.png (428.52 KB, 1254x1171, ClipboardImage.png)


Either of them would be fine

Salvatore is punchy fight and love eating meat

Andy is Weeb who wants to make mecha real nerdy.


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File: 1639314587586-1.png (95.38 KB, 564x647, 34998_original.png)

File: 1639314587586-2.jpg (294.29 KB, 998x862, 35567_original.jpg)

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Anyone who participates I'll draw a chibi of their OC.

For me Van! He's a 5'3 short king. Vegan and loves animals. He owns a schipperke named Gnaw.

Discord: sugarfreebajablast#7777


File: 1639334662723.png (1016.14 KB, 1684x1191, New ref for rangda_NT.png)

It'll be Rangda for me. again.


I added a recent drawing of his mask, cause the ref is old. I think I had this ref for the last time. No clue

Rangda is cunning, agile, and a selfish bastard with no room for others. A piece of shit. a menace to society. Bastard.

Do whatever you want with him, i will like it uwu

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Dungeons and Dragons/Tabletop Game Artwork you have made, be it character art or assets, show off the adventures or adventurers you've created!


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File: 1541643959632-1.png (461.44 KB, 700x700, Seagiant.png)

File: 1541643959632-2.png (154.2 KB, 700x700, The Hangman swing power.png)

File: 1541643959632-3.png (154.8 KB, 700x700, gunslinger huntch.png)

Aye. stone dwarfs, sea giants, animated marionettes and gunslingers.


File: 1542708860511.png (124.89 KB, 902x1069, Inquisitorluca.png)

My Curse of Strahd character


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File: 1639239613375-1.png (118.45 KB, 598x369, Vol'gin.png)

File: 1639239613375-2.png (68.06 KB, 254x371, Manus.png)

File: 1639239613375-3.png (2.11 MB, 1830x1932, Deathknight2.png)

File: 1438143142418.png (1.07 MB, 1200x1800, Zander progress.png)


Art progress thread
Post what you want to show and provide those dates
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File: 1491377807069.png (1.02 MB, 1500x2250, progresso.png)

I don't have enough finished things to actually commit to a full one of these


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File: 1548018582647.png (2.11 MB, 2240x1362, DRAWTHISAGAIN.png)


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File: 1453193431905.png (89.64 KB, 500x800, Zander.png)


Since the old one stopped bumping.
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File: 1528393768266.png (500.05 KB, 913x1102, p0ng.png)

Oh i'm dumb, there was a thread specifically for this.


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Halverd aka bane


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While I'm at it.
No hard feeling.


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post animations and gifs mother fuckers
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I got a few more


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Here's one I finished a few days ago.

First time posting.


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My first ever Rotoscope


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My all time second GIF, used firealpaca :)

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