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/junk/ - Junk

Where off topic discussions go
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16/11/2018 - Shizer: We have 5 years lol.

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ran my oc's through a character creator flash

find your favorite and do the same, or maybe suggest one to try

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File: 1465458828150.png (24.67 KB, 260x368, image.png)

not too bad


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My sweet peas Pablo and Ace.


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I found a 'Mega Anime Avatar Creator'
Loads of fun. I ended up making Tourney Valerie.


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oh no


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new year new character creator

go to heroforge.com for this one

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Show desktop, let others rate them out of 10
clearly mines 10/10 tho
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File: 1442210115718.png (492.12 KB, 1920x1080, fightme.png)

fite me


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i still keep the default background up just to let me know when i'm on the desktop

i use a seperate folder full of furshit cycling through my lockscreen

>trackmania nations forever



you may want to use a resolution of 256x256
that is the maximum icon size
of course any lower resolution will do, but that will usually lead to interpolation errors when scaling down.( smearing or irregular pixel size )
In win7 and up, anything between 256 and 48 is a downscaled image of 256.( rendered by the system )
Lower res can also be scaled but this usually ends in a blurred image and you might as well redo them in 48,32 and 16.


>furry garbage
get outta here you heathen

>not just printing it out and putting it near your computer so you can look at cool backgrounds

>goat simulator
get outta here you heathen

What is he doin there, is he gonna be filmin a movie wow, das real cool


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new (old) wp
last changed like, i think october last year

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Ima keep a husband list here and eventually add good refs of meh boys as I go. Don't mind me.


Current line up, in no particular order..

Galaxy Rider


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Workstation Thread
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>luka figurines

what a weeebbbbb


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>master race pc
>conf angle monitors
>good chair
>plastic table desk
my kokoro T_T


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"Gee VH for someone who never draws you sure spend a lot of money on art gear"

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Hi.. I am new. I dont wanna clutter up another board, so I figured junk is a good place to put myself..?
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Ahhhh, very informative. Yes. Good good.


Gotcha! Thanks man!


File: 1515057343312.png (135 KB, 741x737, jack_morrison_145.png)

I am a drawfag on /b/ migrating here for a bit to improve. I didn't want to post a duplicate thread so ill just latch on here as well. So as far as everything goes, where would I go for general discussion and such?


We don't have a "general" board per say

Commentary & discussion usually goes into the boards respective spectator threads

Other than that the board have specific purposes

/world/ is for canon worldbuilding & story telling ( basically things that happen in there can't really be altered per say and are part of the scribblechan "lore" )

/au/ is an alternative universe similar to /world/ except anything goes

/ds/ is just for plain drawing fun , doodles, draw games , posting your artwork etc

/archive/ is for keeping references and tabs on events

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File: 1465335761087.gif (3.14 MB, 800x486, 5580a127b8b9fc47e071d1abfb….gif)


Hey guys,

I'm a game designer currently looking for some practice and would love to create some dynamic interaction between drawfag characters!

If I considered putting together a quick drawfag fighting game, would anyone wanna animate their character?

All you'd have to do is create… maybe 3 attack combos, idle, movement, and jump.

I haven't put any real thought into the specific gameplay mechanics, but if anyone wanted to contribute their efforts, I wouldn't mind creating a template form.

(Don't create any animations yet, I'm just seeing if anyone's interested first.)

Here's an example of my work too.
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In unrelated news, I released a game on the Play Store for free to download.

There's still some bugs on certain phones, but I'm working on it.



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she fast


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Here ya are!
Can't wait to see this game you're working on!


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Is it cool if I join?

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Does anyone have an idea for a Scribblechan Logo?

Staff is also discussing about a possible "mascot" (?)
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File: 1449595472836.jpg (29.27 KB, 640x607, 1425950309768.jpg)

wow this are actually pretty nice


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D those look so great!

Still thinking about it :(


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How about this one?


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no need to thank me

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How many of you fags have any characters that are good? Where are the HEROES?
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File: 1448780981246.png (225.69 KB, 1000x1000, plasticbagman.png)

yes. His name is plastic bag man and he fights for auto erotic asphyxiation


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A true blue aussie hero.
Ghost of Ned Kelly.


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For the greater good.

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I'm still doing my groupdraw and hive a minimum of 50 drawfags to add so far. If you have refs of any of these, please share them here so I can add them.

(if you have others you think I should add that are not here share them as well)
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I thought mew's sweater was cream. Also silence definitely has color somewhere. Slow was in a tourney but i cant remember if he colored. Psure I've never seen toggle in color so dont know what to do there.


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12 more added: Solar, Mona, Happi, Ping, Terra, Hd-Yawndere (i forgot her drawfag name :L), Cherry, Zombie Box, Mew, and Silence.



Could I use it for Scribblechan as footer?

If yes, can I have transparent version? (PNG)

else Thanks for answering!.

and nice work <3


File: 1446321110686.png (40.95 KB, 8175x240, pixelgroupdrawtransparent.png)

Good idea actually, go ahead. Here's as big as photoshop will allow. It's still gonna get updated over the next few weeks so I'll update you when there's a handful more.


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Here's the current update, another 21 added. All the refs in this thread helped exept Toggle's because I still don't know the colors

Here's the pastebin on who's in atm http://pastebin.com/nV4QJ1J3

Throw more refs if you've got them.

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post your sleep space
Hard mode, dont clean.
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File: 1445761370875.jpg (39.24 KB, 1088x612, shithole.jpg)

Moving soon, but not soon enough.


But that looks so cozy


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Kickstarter to buy me a new comforter


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Dont move to places without making sure you have alot of money kids.


File: 1445835864073.jpg (303.95 KB, 486x800, MANCAVE.jpg)

It's a good corner.

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